- Wednesday October 9, 2024 is a standard Wednesday 2:10 PM dismissal time.
- Students taking the PSAT or SAT with standard test times will have lunch in the Commons at approximately 11:15 AM. After 50 minutes of lunch, students will report to their artistic classrooms for the remainder of the school day.
- Students taking the PSAT or SAT with extended test times are required to bring their lunch to their testing room and will eat during a twenty minute break at approximately 10:30 AM. Extended time students also get two five minute breaks during both modules so that they can eat a snack in the testing room.
- If a student has Permanent Early Dismissal, they can leave at their regular Wednesday dismissal time as long as they have finished taking their exam.
- If parents would like their child to leave after testing, please submit a parent note to Mrs. Weiner at Students without a parent note will not be dismissed earlier than 2:10 PM.
- Please remember to have your child charge their Chromebook fully the night before testing and have them bring both their Chromebook and charger to school on the day of testing.
Asynchronous assignments will be posted to Google Classroom. Expectations for students will be posted soon. Read student expectations for Remote Learning Day HERE.