Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Embassy Bank presents EITC Contribution

October 7th, 2019

In April 2024, Steven Green, Team Culture Officer of Embassy Bank presented the company’s EITC contribution to Charter Arts Executive Director & CEO, Dr. Christina Lincoln. 

Peoples Security Bank & Trust gives EITC gift

January 8th, 2019
Peoples Security Bank & Trust, recently presented a $10,000 check to the Charter Arts Foundation as part of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program.

Charter Arts Foundation Receives 3 EITC Grants

February 28th, 2017

Hotel Bethlehem Makes Contribution

November 18th, 2013

On behalf of The Hotel Bethlehem, Managing Partner, Bruce Haines presented a check to Charter Arts Executive Director & CEO, Diane LaBelle on November 12, to support the Capital Campaign and naming rights for the Conference Room in the new school building.

The Hotel Bethlehem’s financial pledge is a welcomed gift.   To have the support of a landmark business such as The Hotel Bethlehem is a great example of the positive impact Charter Arts has on our local community.

(Photo:  Charter Arts Executive Director & CEO, Diane LaBelle, Bruce Haines and Charter Arts Foundation Board Member, Frank Shipman)

Hotel Bethlehem




November 14th, 2013

Donor Spotlight

After witnessing the talent of Charter Arts students and alumni at an event in late 2012, Anne and Bruce Lawrence of Bethlehem donated $3 million to the Redefining Lives, the Community and the World through Art Capital Campaign.  

As dedicated supporters of the arts and proponents of the value of arts education in schools, the Lawrence family knew that Charter Arts was the perfect fit for their gift.

“When we learned that the school has a waiting list of students, and there are many teachers who want the chance to teach at the school, we felt that there is a truly successful formula at Charter Arts that should be rewarded and continue,” says Bruce Lawrence.  “When we are at the school and we feel the wonderful energy from the students and teachers, we know that this is a great organization that deserves community support.”

“With significant cuts to arts programs in the public school system, we know how valuable a school like Charter Arts is and will be for the future of education,” says Anne Lawrence.

Anne and Bruce, along with their family, have become members of the Charter Arts family.  “We have enjoyed attending school events and seeing the tremendous impact this school makes on the lives of its students,” says their daughter, Eve Metzger.   “I would have loved to have had the option to attend a school like Charter Arts when I was a high school student.”

The Lawrence family made the dream of a new Charter Arts facility a reality.  “The plans for a new school building have been in development for over three years; and the generosity of Anne and Bruce Lawrence last year solidified this project and allowed us to move forward,” says Diane LaBelle, Charter Arts Executive Director & CEO.   “Our students, parents, faculty, staff and administration are aware of the significant impact this family has made on our school.”

With the start of construction coming soon the Lawrence family look forward to watching the progress of the facility over the next year.  “We are excited about the possibilities that the new school building will bring to an already successful program,” says Eve Metzger.


adjusted lawrences(Photo:  Eve Metzger, Bruce and Anne Lawrence)



September 20th, 2013

The weather couldn’t dampen spirits on Friday, June 7th as The Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts (Charter Arts) held a groundbreaking ceremony for our new school building, which will be located in the arts and cultural district of south Bethlehem.

The ceremony took place on the building site located at 321 E. Third Street (at the corner of East Third and Polk Streets) in south Bethlehem. Dignitaries, school officials, parents, students, faculty members, local merchants and community members enjoyed this exciting ceremony.  The school launched a $6 million Capital Campaign in April this past year as part of the $27 million cost of the project. Funding for the project includes a $3 million Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant from the state of Pennsylvania, New Markets Tax Credits, and a twenty five year mortgage.

The operating costs for the new building, including debt service, will actually be $100,000 less per year than the school is currently spending.  The Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts is accepting contributions toward the $6 million capital campaign goal.

If you would like more Information about naming opportunities and donations, please contact Debra Storm at 610-868-2971 ext. 154 or


Dignitaries and school officials take part in the ceremonial 'dig'.

Dignitaries and school officials take part in the ceremonial ‘dig’.