Crawley, Shannon
English Faculty
Shannon Crawley earned her B.A. in English and certifications in elementary education and secondary English from Muhlenberg College. While teaching English and reading in the Central Bucks School District, she earned her M.A. in English from Arcadia University and her writing fellowship through West Chester’s PA Writing and Literature Project.
She took several years off from working in public education to teach her two sets of twins in Bucks County, PA. During this time, she found a home at the public library and parks and reinvigorated her passion for child development and children’s literature (but not laundry or cooking). She worked in grades K-12 in public and private schools following her time at home and was fortunate to teach in both the Seminar and Literary Arts Departments before accepting her position as an English teacher at The Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts. In her free time, she minivans her kids to dance, sports, and music lessons while trying to find a few moments to not do laundry or cooking but to hang outside with her children where nature makes her feel at peace. She hopes that her passion for literature and her understanding of the whole child inform her practices and inspire her students in the classroom.