Tuesday, September 9th is the date of the Dance Department’s very informative, mandatory Dance Parent Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., in the Charter Arts Black Box Theater. The purpose of this meeting is to open up a clear channel of parent/teacher communication.
Very important information will be dispersed and explained and any questions parents have will be helpful to this process. The Dance Department faculty expects all of our parents and guardians to be supportive of their dancer(s), and the details we cover in this meeting will help you in this position. We do not have other dance parent meetings during the year, so consider this a time to get acquainted or reacquainted with your child’s teachers and other parents of the dance department.
As you enter the school for this meeting on September 9th, please be sure to sign in at the front table before being seated in the theater. At least one parent or guardian from each dancer’s family MUST be present. Students are not required to attend as they will cover the information during school.